Documentary to mark Admiral Isakov’s 130th anniversary shot at Heritage and Progress Foundation’s initiative

September 18 2024, 20:30


The screening of the documentary about Admiral Isakov took place at the Moscow Victory Museum. The authors of the idea consider this initiative important, especially for future generations. Young people should be aware of such outstanding historical figures and dream of repeating their path to fame.

The Heritage and Progress Foundation is making a series of documentaries about military figures of Armenian nationality. The documentary about Admiral Isakov is the fifth film from this series.

Due to the timing, the film had to skip numerous information concerning Isakov’s glorious path and life full of vivid episodes.

The Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral Isakov, occupies a special place on the pages of the USSR naval history. Stalin personally felt special respect and trust for Isakov. In order to reproduce this period in the film as realistically as possible, the director worked with the archives for a long time.
Isakov’s biography indicates that he was a man of exceptional will. During the Eastern front, he lost his leg and miraculously survived. This did not prevent him from continuing his service.
In addition to military affairs, Isakov was an excellent writer. He is the author of more than 150 historical articles.

Few people know that the hero of the USSR, Isakov, who was in love with the sea, suffered from seasickness. He was repeatedly told to take care of his health and choose another path, but to no avail.