Kennedy clearly said that he stands by Armenians, people of Armenia and Artsakh — Mike Sarian

September 21 2024, 13:30


US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy has a good attitude towards Armenians and Diaspora Armenians, Mike Saryan, businessman and social activist, told Alpha News.

“The Kennedy family has been Democrats for nearly 75 years. I met him a long time ago; we talked for quite a long time about various topics: American policy, economy, Armenians. Kennedy has a good attitude towards Armenians, Diaspora Armenians. At that time, we established a good relationship with Kennedy, he is a very attentive and intelligent person. He can help Armenians,” Mike Sarian said.

At the same time, he noted that despite the Democrats’ statements that they are on the side of the Armenians, they are not taking any action in this direction.

“Democrats always say that they are on the side of Armenians, but I have not seen it. For me, it is not so important who will be the president but who will stand by Armenia and Armenians.

My concern is that whoever is the president, they should be useful to Armenia. I invited Kennedy to our church, 200 people were present at that meeting. He clearly said that he is with Armenians, the people of Armenia and Artsakh. Kennedy is close to both Trump and Kamala Harris. His presence can be decisive if one of them is elected,” Mike Sarian concluded.