Armenia excluded 3 points from draft peace treaty — Aliyev

September 23 2024, 15:52


Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during the parliamentary session that Armenia excluded all unagreed points from the draft peace treaty when sending a response to Baku’s latest proposals.

“From the moment we sent our first draft to Armenia until today, there have been ten exchanges of comments. As the months passed, we naturally expected Armenia to be more prompt and quicker in providing us with its comments. But we see that what is happening is exactly the opposite. We had to wait for 70 days before we received the latest draft from them. All unagreed points have been removed from their draft peace treaty. Such a primitive and unreasonable step, frankly speaking, was unexpected,” he said.

Earlier, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Yerevan offers Baku to sign the already agreed points of the peace treaty and work further on the rest, noting that 13 out of 16 articles have been agreed.