Azerbaijan does not want to sign peace treaty – Hayk Khalatyan

September 25 2024, 14:00


The West may take certain steps that may cause tension in the region, said Hayk Khalatyan, Head of the Analytical Center for Strategic Research and Initiatives and Editor-in-Chief of Alpha News in Moscow.

“There are power centers that are in a heated struggle, for example, Russia, the West, Turkey, and Iran. Each of them plays their own game. The international community, more precisely, the West, will not be interested in signing a peace treaty if it understands that a peace treaty cannot be signed at the expense of concessions from the Armenian side.

The United States is doing everything to sign this agreement, because by convincing the Armenian side to make tacit concessions, it hopes to finally push Russia out of the region, and Turkey’s position will strengthen both in the South Caucasus and, most importantly, in the future in the geopolitical conflict in Central Asia. The United States has openly stated that Russia, Iran, and China are its main competitors.

If suddenly the United States realizes that this game is not yielding results, Azerbaijan does not want to conclude a peace treaty, then I do not rule out that the West may take certain steps that may cause tension in the region,” the political scientist said.

According to Khalatyan, the Armenian authorities receive instructions from Brussels and Washington.

“The policy that the Armenian authorities are now pursuing is obvious. They receive instructions from Brussels and Washington, which will lead to Iran’s and Russia’s discontent. Azerbaijan will take advantage of it. We already see that in contacts with both Moscow and Tehran, the Azerbaijani authorities promote the thesis that Armenia is a pro-Western force, contradicts their interests, and attracts non-regional players to the region. Azerbaijan says, ‘do not disturb me while I am completing my plan, and I will take into account your interests in the region’,” Hayk Khalatyan said.

According to Khalatyan, Azerbaijan pursues such a policy that even in the event of a change of power in our country, no one will be able to solve, for example, the issue of the return of the Artsakh people.

“They ceded Artsakh and thought Azerbaijan would be satisfied with it. Now Azerbaijan does not want to sign a peace treaty. Constantly applying pressure, it seeks more concessions from the Armenian side and, at the right time, it will try with the help of other forces to either get a corridor or close the issue of the return of refugees, etc.

And if there is a change of power in Armenia, the international situation changes, or someone will want to reconsider the balance of power, even in this case Armenia will not be able to act against Azerbaijan. This is Baku’s goal,” Hayk Khalatyan concluded.