There are no Armenians among casualties in Lebanon – Shahan Kandaharian

September 25 2024, 13:13


The war spread to other parts of the Middle East, Shahan Kandaharian, editor-in-chief of the Aztag newspaper, told Alpha News.

“The war spread to other parts of the Middle East. Hezbollah has military bases in various parts of Lebanon. Not only Hezbollah’s military facilities were targeted, but also the most prominent members of Hezbollah, political figures.

Both the expansion of the war and the intense shelling have changed the overall picture of the military clashes that are still underway. The death toll, according to yesterday’s data, is more than 400, there are 1,200 injured. In the affected areas, of course, there are more casualties,” he said.

Kandaharian added that the number of migrants is increasing, the country is in collapse.

“There is every reason to believe that these actions will continue, given Israel’s statement that these actions restore justice and peace. Now they seek to displace residents of the southern region. Syria announced that it opens its doors for Lebanese refugees. Refugees are settling in relatively calm and safe places. Clashes and attacks continue. The country is in political uncertainty, there is no president, and the parliament is unable to unite around the election of a president. There is a deep economic crisis, not to mention serious security issues. There are no Armenian names in the lists of casualties because there are no Armenian communities in the military areas,” Shahan Kandaharian concluded.