Biden wants to solve the issue to help the Democratic Party in the election – Anatoly Matviychuk

October 24 2024, 11:55


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military observer Anatoly Matviychuk commented on US President Joe Biden’s letters to Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev with recommendations and deadlines for concluding a peace treaty. According to the expert, the countries of the South Caucasus are of little importance to the United States, and Biden only seeks benefits for the US Democratic Party in the pre-election period.

“Both Azerbaijan and Armenia play an absolutely insignificant role in the foreign policy of the United States. Some Americans do not even have idea where these wonderful countries are located geographically. But there is one hitch. Biden wants to leave as a peacemaker and prove that Russia could not solve the problems of reconciliation of the two peoples in the Caucasus, which resulted in these wars, but Biden could. After all, he offers neither Armenians nor Azerbaijanis anything in return.

The only thing he offers is to sit down and sign an agreement. He does not take into account the historical interest of the Armenians in the lands of Karabakh. He does not take into account Azerbaijan’s interest in Nakhichevan either. This is, by and large, a zero option, which should simply bring benefits to the Democrats in the US election but absolutely does not affect the national interests of either Azerbaijan or Armenia.

The fact is that the election is about to begin. He must finish all this before the election,” the expert said.