Armenians from LA Intend to Spend Night at the Azerbaijani Consulate

August 14 2023, 12:48


In Los Angeles, the Armenian community has cordoned off the building of the Consulate of Azerbaijan for several hours, where consulates of five other countries, including Israel and Bulgaria, also operate. The protesters blocked the street leading to the consulate building. They intend to spend the night there, and in the morning they will not let consular officials enter the building.

The protesters raised the flag of Artsakh and banners that say “With Artsakh, in the name of Artsakh”, “Armenians face genocide under Azeri rule” and “Stop the second Armenian Genocide” at the entrance to the building.

According to the Alpha News correspondent in Los Angeles, the police tried to unblock the road, but the Armenian activists convinced them to continue the rally. They urged the Armenians living in Los Angeles to join the protest in defense of Artsakh. Recall that the American Armenians have been carrying out protests in defense of Artsakh for more than a week. First, they held a rally in Burbank, where Congressman Adam Schiff’s office is located, and demanded a meeting with him. Armenian activists demanded that the congressman go to Armenia and observe the situation on the spot.

A few days later Adam Schiff agreed to meet the Armenians. At the meeting, he said that another American congressman would leave for Armenia soon. After the meeting with Congressman Adam Schiff, the Armenian Americans continue to hold rallies at the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Greenville Avenue in west Los Angeles, which is called “Republic of Artsakh Square”. The building of the Consulate of Azerbaijan is also adjacent to this square.