Pegov: Karabakh is the cradle of Armenian culture and the whole world knows it

August 16 2023, 14:03

Opinion | Politics

Russian journalist, founder of the WarGonzo project Semyon Pegov commented on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in an interview with Alpha News.

“We are carefully following the situation in our beloved Artsakh. People who are not strangers to us, who every day heroically prove that it is their land, people who deserve it and who won what belongs to them – such people live here. Karabakh is the cradle of Armenian culture and the whole world knows it, the history testifies it,” the journalist said.

Semyon Pegov has admitted that his team is following the situation in Artsakh.

“We are watching with pain what is happening in Artsakh, how the Azerbaijani armed forces are behaving, how Turkiye escalates tensions. Our peacekeepers are there to carry out a very important mission. We see that Azerbaijan is disrupting the peacekeeping mission by blocking the corridor. This is actually a violation of all international agreements. Azerbaijan sabotages and discredits all these agreements. It surely causes concerns, since the tension on the frontline escalates day by day, and Azerbaijan can backstab at any moment.”

“Despite the fact that Azerbaijan and Turkiye declare that they are not acting against Russia, we know that Azerbaijan helps Ukraine, and Ukraine helps Azerbaijan, not to mention Turks. And, if Russia lose the sight now, then, surely, any tragedy can be expected,” Semyon Pegov said.

At the same time, the Russian journalist expressed his support for the people of Artsakh:

“I, Semyon Pegov, personally and on behalf of the WarGonzo team, want to express support to the people of Artsakh. I express my admiration for their courage, for those who did not leave their land, for those who are fighting for their land using voluntary, civil methods. I, Semyon Pegov, and the WarGonzo project are always with you. Stepanakert, in some sense, is a Russian town close to us, we all know the history very well, it is neither a foreign land nor a foreign region to us. Artsakh, my heart is with you, we will help as much as we can. Wait. I hope this situation will start to settle down soon,” Simon Pegov concluded.