Alexey Anpilogov: The fate that Baku draws for the people of Artsakh is ethnocide

August 19 2023, 15:03


Russian political expert Alexey Anpilogov emphasized that the unresolved conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is viewed by all great powers through the prism of other conflicts:

“I would say that the UN Security Council is still trying to keep the very complex issue of Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh within the framework of bilateral relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, because the members of the Security Council have enough of their own contradictions in bilateral and multilateral relations. That only is the Ukrainian conflict or the conflict that, as we already understand very well, will start in the near future over Taiwan. By and large, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue can be of great interest to Azerbaijan, Armenia and neighboring Turkey.

In fact, it is desirable for all members of the UN Security Council that this conflict somehow resolves itself. That is, no one, neither France, nor Great Britain, nor the People’s Republic of China, nor even, here I will say a provocative phrase, the Russian Federation, considers this conflict to be existential, that is, affecting the existence of these great powers.

To put it differently, there is a struggle for a sphere of influence, a struggle for the isolation of the Russian Federation, since Transcaucasus is a very serious direction for America, which should preferably be closed. But the US is now much more involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and as a result, they are shifting most of their diplomatic and military efforts there.

As painful as it is for Armenia, the unresolved conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is viewed by all great powers through the prism of other conflicts.

The members of the UN Security Council have recognized that the Lachin Corridor is closed, it exists as a declaration in a tripartite document. But, in fact, it is closed, it can even be called “Lachin dead end”. And this situation of “Lachin dead end” is, surely, extremely disturbing for the people of Artsakh, because they have been taken hostage.

Moreover, they are in the position of absolutely powerless hostages. The obligations of the Azerbaijani side have not been fulfilled, moreover, Baku, as they say, is trying to break through the issue of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh by any means so as not to make any commitments. And in this regard, I have very serious concerns that Azerbaijan and official Baku are hiding very dark and aggressive intentions towards the people of Artsakh.

The fate that the official Baku is drawing now for the people of Artsakh is ethnocide, the actual destruction of the Armenian identity. This is a so-called “year zero”, according to which there was no history, there was nothing Armenian. It is the most terrible thing, surely,” the political expert noted.