Stepanakert kindergartens will operate as much as possible

August 22 2023, 09:30


According to Elmira Hovhannisyan, head of the pre-school education department of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Artsakh, the educational activities, planned events and classes with preschool children were held according to the schedule, and the main difficulty was related to food.

“The main difficulty is the lack of food and transport fuel. In the past months, we got food for free from the Ministry of social development and migration, and fruits and vegetables were supplied from Martuni region. Now, due to the lack of fuel, it is difficult to deliver fruits and vegetables to the city. It is a bit easier in the districts, because they can satisfy the kindergartens with local products, but fuel is needed to deliver them to Stepanakert,” Hovhannisyan explained.

She added that the students were given dairy products for breakfast, but the milk factory is now closed, so they can only provide them with jam. Kindergartens in Stepanakert operate 10.5 hours, providing three meals a day. However, they are not able to provide the variety and the calorie content now. According to the head of the pre-school education department of the Ministry of Education and Culture, they are trying to ensure that the children’s childhood and normal daily life are not disrupted.

“There are 42 kindergartens in the republic, of which 32 are state, 7 are charitable and 3 are licensed. Kindergarten admissions have started, age changes from group to group have already been made. The existing opportunities will still be used and the kindergartens will continue to operate as much as possible,” Elmira Hovhannisyan said.

The attendance has decreased because parents have to walk long distances with their children due to the lack of fuel.

“Working parents bring their children to kindergarten, but those who do not work keep them at home,” she said.

According to the director of the Kindergarten No. 2 of Stepanakert Rena Barkhudaryan, they are continuing their activities at the moment, a new reception has been organized. Commenting on overcoming the psychological problems caused by the blockade, she has noted that they are trying to provide children with positive emotions by engaging in fun outdoor games and puppet theatre.