Anush Muradyan: Those who think that we will live peacefully if we give away Artsakh are wrong

August 23 2023, 14:00


We are losing Artsakh today; the next will be Armenia. If some people think that if we give away Artsakh, we will live peacefully, they are wrong, American resident Anush Muradyan, who participates in the protests organized by the local Armenian community, said in a live broadcast with Alpha News.

“I am happy to see that all Armenians have stood up for the sake of Artsakh. We should leave everything and stand up for Artsakh.

Artsakh was Armenian, it is Armenian now and we must keep it Armenian. It is what all Armenians wish for, and if someone agrees that Artsakh should be part of Azerbaijan, I don’t think he or she is Armenian,” Anush Muradyan said.

According to her, Artsakh is the Armenian gate which should be protected just like Armenia.

“Armenian should wake up; patriotism should be within a person. How can it be awakened? We must be well aware that we are losing Artsakh today, the next one will be Armenia. If some people think that if we give away Artsakh, we will live peacefully, they are wrong. Artsakh is our gate, it should be protected, just like Armenia,” Muradyan concluded.