Ashot Ghulyan: Azerbaijan’s goal is clear, it is the actions of Armenian authorities that we don’t understand

August 26 2023, 18:20


Only officials can give clear information on opening a road through Aghdam, Chairman of the National Democratic Party, former NA speaker Ashot Ghulyan said on Alpha News live.

“In my opinion, only the officials can give clear information on this matter. Since we have a constantly changing situation and are faced with several offers a day, it seems to me that there is an attempt to accept some offers and move forward.

I also do not rule out that it may be related to the nature of our authorities, but the situation in Artsakh suggests to our government that it is necessary to look for solutions. But I continue to insist that the authorities should voice their position on the Aghdam issue individually,” Ghulyan said.

According to him, people in Artsakh fully understand what Azerbaijan thinks and what it wants to do, however they do not understand what the government of Armenia is doing or trying to do.

“I would very much like to assure you that the government of Artsakh has a clear plan of action, but now we live in a very fast-changing time, where no matter how much you are prepared in advance, it is impossible to plan from beginning to end. I am sorry to say that a part of our society thinks that the actions of the authorities could have been much more efficient and organized, because we see this crisis growing hour by hour before our eyes. Our authorities must carry out concrete work, which must be visible to the public.

Today, our opponent is trying to break the will of the people of Artsakh, and for us it is completely clear what Azerbaijan thinks and what it wants to do, but we don’t understand what the Armenian government is doing or trying to do. Their actions are unclear these days,” Ghulyan concluded.