Artsakh has been shelled in all directions for an hour, a resident says

September 19 2023, 14:34


An air alert has been declared in Artsakh. Residents of the capital have descended into bomb shelters.
At the moment, it is not possible to establish contact with the republic. The Internet and phone connection is not working.

This was reported to Alpha News by Narine Avanesyan, whose relatives are in Stepanakert.

“For more than an hour, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces have been shelling Artsakh from all directions with various types of weapons. I can’t contact my relatives. My father who underwent heart surgery and needs special care is there. My husband’s sister and my whole family are also in Stepanakert. They went down to the bomb shelter and don’t know exactly what’s going on,” Narine said worriedly.

The woman stressed that the last time she spoke with her relatives, they said that there was chaos in Artsakh. People do not know what to do.