Nzhdeh Garagavoryan: France does more for Artsakh than the governing elite

September 20 2023, 09:36

Opinion | Politics

The French Foreign Ministry clearly points out that Azerbaijan is a party that has the prerequisites for an attack, Nzhdeh Garagavoryan, head of the ARF youth association in France, told Alpha News.

“A session of the UN Security Council was requested through the mediation of the French Foreign Ministry. They clearly point out that Azerbaijan has the prerequisites for an attack and is going to attack. After listening to everything that the RA government says, I think that France is doing more than the masked elite. It is a very sad reality. We are monitoring the prorests taking place in Yerevan, and I can assure you that we all support the protesters’ demand,” he said.

Garagavoryan is convinced that we will not achieve results without domestic changes.

Garagavoryan also mentioned that the right-wing press in Paris covers in detail the genocidal politics taking place in Artsakh, with the French people being very well informed about the situation in Artsakh.