With Artsakh, For Artsakh: Artsakh Farmer Market in Glendale

October 02 2023, 11:18


There was a noisy silence at Artsakh Farmer Market in Glendale on Sunday.

According to Hilda Avanesian, the work of the open-air Sunday market started back in the days of the 44-day war. It has been going on for three years.

Everyone at the market provide their portion of the proceeds to help Artsakh. These days they feel higher responsibility.

Medical supplies, equipment, clothes – everything needs to be quickly delivered to our compatriots.
Avanesian says that they have agreed with the HayPost to send the goods by plane, not by ship.

For the family of film director, screenwriter and producer Ophelia Harutyunyan it is the first Sunday at Artsakh Farmer Market. They will direct all the income from the Artsakh zhingyalov hats that they prepared to the needs of the Artsakh family.
Members of the UYArmenia are also actively working near the counters. They collect clothes for forcibly displaced people of Artsakh.

Journalist of Alpha News Karra Mane has performed self-written songs, filling the atmosphere with the spirit of Artsakh.