Tashir Company continues to provide assistance for forcibly displaced Artsakh people

October 06 2023, 17:03


Numerous small and large organizations, philanthropists from Armenia and the Diaspora, public organizations, and individuals are currently providing assistance to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Artsakh.
Significant efforts are being made to help the people of Artsakh who were forced to leave their homeland, reports news.am.

The Tashir Charitable Foundation, owned by Samvel Karapetyan, a Russian businessman of Armenian descent, was one of the first to announce its support and provide one of the largest aid packages.

The company has already provided accommodation for 750 families. Work is underway to increase this number to 1,500.

In addition, families were provided with all the necessary living conditions. According to news.am, the monthly aid for 500 families is about 150,000 dollars.

The Charitable Foundation also handles the employment of Artsakh residents, with 250 people being provided with jobs in the organizations of the Tashir group. The company seeks to increase the volume of assistance.