“Hayk and Bel” – audiobook

October 30 2023, 22:00


A new AlphaNews educational project—Audiobook—presents ‘Hayk and Bel’, the Armenian legend preserved by the historian Movses Khorenatsi. The legend of Hayk and Bel is, in fact, a reflection of the development of the Armenian ethnos and the oldest episode of the heroic past of the Armenian people.

The legend follows Hayk, the Armenian eponymous and later deified hero, who defeated the Titan Bel. Bel sends a messenger to Hayk with an offer to obey him. Hayk rejects it, after which the giant Titan invades Hayk’s land and subdues him and his people by force.

Brave and fearless, Hayk assembles the army and goes up against Bel, defeating him with his long arrow. Hayk orders to embalm Bel’s corpse and bury him in the high place in the view of everyone. Armenians call themselves Hay and their country ‘Hayastan’ after their hero.

The message of the legend—not to be afraid of the struggle and to win—is more than relevant today.

AlphaNews presents the most famous works of Armenian literature from modern school textbooks in the form of an audiobook.

High-quality recordings made in a modern style will help every Armenian living in any country in the world maintain a strong connection with the national culture in a convenient and pleasant way.

The project is indispensable, especially for the diaspora audience, which does not speak Armenian but wants to stay true to their roots.