ARF-D Belgian Committee rejects meeting with Zareh Sinanyan

November 14 2023, 17:00


On November 11, the Committee of Armenians of Belgium organized a meeting of representatives of the Armenian community with the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs of the Office of the Armenian Prime Minister, Zareh Sinanyan, the ARF-D committee in Belgium reported.

“The Belgian Committee of the ARF-D and all related unions refused to participate in this meeting, taking into account Sinanyan’s anti-national and divisive activities.

From the day of his appointment, this representative of the Armenian government distinguished himself by his pronounced anti-national behavior, making a lot of efforts to belittle the role of traditional national organizations in the Diaspora, and artificially nominating newly appointed individuals as representatives of communities instead of powerful structures created for decades.

Obviously, the patrons of this policy are Mr. Sinanyan’s superiors from Armenia, who today have put the homeland in front of ontological problems.

The absence of the ARF-D at the meeting has nothing to do with the imperative of uniting all the capable forces of the Diaspora in the name of Artsakh and around other pressing national problems; however, the idea of unity cannot be realized by anti-national forces that have put their homeland up for sale.

We hope that this obvious truth will gradually be confirmed so that the capable forces of the nation will finally lead our country out of this dire situation,” the Committee said in a statement.