Discussion on preservation of Artsakh spiritual and cultural heritage held in Romania 

November 15 2023, 20:50


A discussion dedicated to the preservation of the spiritual and cultural heritage of Artsakh and the social status of the Artsakh Armenians was held in Bucharest, Romania.

On November 14, at the initiative of the Secretariat for Religious Affairs and the Armenian Diocese of Romania, a discussion was held in Bucharest dedicated to preserving the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Artsakh and involving the government and church communities of the country so that they put an end to the difficult humanitarian situation in which the Artsakh Armenians found themselves.

The meeting was hosted by the Secretary for Religious Affairs of Romania, Ciprian Olinici, with the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Romania, Bishop Tatev Hakobyan, delivering the opening remarks.

Reverend Garegin Hambartsumyan touched upon the rich spiritual, historical and cultural heritage of Artsakh, presenting documentary evidence of the cultural genocide perpetuated by Azerbaijan.

The Primate of the Artsakh Diocese, Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, in turn, presented the socio-economic and moral-psychological state of the Armenians of Artsakh—more than 100,000 forcibly displaced as a result of the Azerbaijani aggression—as well as the programs launched by the Armenian Apostolic Church in this direction.