Lukashenko calls on Pashinyan not to break off relations with allies, Belarusian expert says

November 16 2023, 11:05

Opinion | Politics

The member of the Russian-Belarusian expert club, Alexei Dzermant, commented to Alpha News on the statement of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, that the CSTO countries need to “stick together” and there is no other alternative to preserving sovereignty.

According to the expert, Alexander Lukashenko wants to convey to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that there is no need to cut off ties with traditional integration associations and allies.

“Amid the actions that Pashinyan and his government are taking, such as the obvious increase in contacts with Western politicians and Western structures, Lukashenko wants to convey that there is no need to cut off ties with traditional integration associations and allies, because it is very unlikely that the West will be able to provide those security guarantees that can be provided primarily by Russia and other members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, if necessary.

A line of moving away from integration associations, which include Belarus, is visible.

Lukashenko appeals to the voice of reason not to break off relations. Moreover, as far as I understand the position of the Belarusian leader, he understands and is trying to convey the idea that the West, in principle, is not interested in the stability of the region, including Transcaucasia. It is hardly worth betting on it in terms of ensuring security. We all understand that the interest of Western structures is rather to bring chaos and commotion and to create another problem for Russia and Iran. In this regard, such a rapprochement is unlikely to benefit Armenia,” Dzermant concluded.