Armenian Ministry of Education suspends distribution of textbooks donated by Russia

November 16 2023, 18:30


The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia suspended the distribution of Russian-language textbooks donated by Russia to schools under the pretext of the need to examine educational materials, Vice Speaker of the Russian Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov said in his Telegram channel on Thursday.

He noted that on the initiative of the Armenian National Assembly and based on the repeated remarks of Armenian deputies at meetings of the Russian-Armenian Interparliamentary Commission, with the direct support of the Federation Council, the Russian side managed to find additional budgetary funds for the purchase and further donation of more than 50,000 textbooks to Armenian schools.

“On November 11, textbooks were delivered to the country. Their distribution began in schools, where they are in great demand.

I was puzzled to learn that the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science has suspended this process. The weird part is that our Armenian colleagues themselves sent us a specific list of necessary textbooks.
It is a pity that the ordinary boys and girls of our brotherly Armenian people suffer first from such foolish political intrigues,” Vorobyov noted.

He noted that the Russian delegation in Bishkek raised this issue with the vice-speaker of the Armenian parliament and expressed hope that all obstacles would soon be overcome.

As reported earlier, the Russian Humanitarian Mission delivered 53 thousand textbooks to Armenia—in geography, physics, chemistry, geometry—for local schools. 800 books were donated to the Usmunk school of the Russian-Armenian University. The rest were to be distributed in 27 schools in Yerevan and in the Ararat, Shirak, Armavir, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Kotayk, and Tavush regions.