It is vital for Armenia to maintain relations with Russia, military expert says 

Russian military expert Yuri Knutov commented to Alpha News on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement that membership in the CSTO provides Armenia with the necessary level of security.

“The West promised Armenia certain advantages; first of all, France promised arms supplies and much more. But their proposals that are given to Armenia are much worse than Russian weapons and at a higher price.

Speaking about the statements in Yerevan about the need to focus on the European Union and switch to Washington, in much the same way as the Kyiv regime tried to impose this on its people, I can say one thing: these people are mistaken. I doubt that the products produced by the Armenian industry will interest anyone in the EU countries and other Western countries. They have quite a lot of their own products, and in many ways, they are of higher quality. Armenia will never succeed in displacing French cognacs with its own cognacs. And the fact that Russia will be interested in these cognacs after Armenia’s hostile attitude towards Russia is also a delusion that they are trying to instill in the Armenian people,” Knutov said.

According to the expert, the CSTO is the structure that helps maintain relations between Russia and Armenia.

“Armenia needs to reevaluate things before doing anything, given that it is now surrounded by virtually unfriendly countries. And in this situation, for Armenia, it is vital to maintain relations with Russia. The CSTO is precisely the structure that helps maintain these relations between the two countries,” Knutov said.