Armenian NSS reacts to video distributed by Azerbaijani “expert”

December 06 2023, 17:52


The well-known Azerbaijani “serious specialist” Telman Qasimov, who is represented in Azerbaijan as a military expert and an Armenian scholar, received a video from Yerevan, which he published on December 5 this year, in November 2017 from a certain A.K., who has dual citizenship. The latter recorded the building in which Qasimov was “born and raised” and sent it to him.

This was reported by the Armenian National Security Service (NSS), which published an excerpt of Qasimov’s correspondence with A.K.

Editing this video six years later, Gasimov added his voice, trying to sow panic among Armenians with cheap propaganda and thereby increase his “importance” among the Azerbaijani audience.

The NSS called on the media and the Armenian population to refrain from publishing unverified, defamatory data and information distributed by the Azerbaijani propaganda so as not to cause unnecessary tension and panic.

The NSS reported that the operational situation is under full control.

Qasimov had previously stated that he had secretly visited Yerevan and even entered the house where he was born. He posted a corresponding video in which he speaks Armenian.