Karine Gevorgyan: Iranians troll Americans

January 17 2024, 10:47

Opinion | Politics

Russian political scientist and Iranist Karine Gevorgyan has commented to Alpha News on the IRGC’s strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan and how this could affect the South Caucasus region.

“Firstly, the sluggish schizophrenia of modern conflicts can easily be called World War III. Second, judging by the reaction of the Americans and the contacts that exist between Washington and Tehran, the damage that was caused to the American consulate is minimal.

This is not a response to America. The fact is that there are different representations in Erbil. Let me remind you that there are three Turkish military bases on the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan, which the Baghdad leadership cannot move from there. This is just an attempt at media promotion; well, it’s just, let’s say, a one-day thing, even a one-hour thing,” the expert says.

The political scientist emphasizes that Iran acts through its proxies and that its messages are read properly by recipients.

“I believe that in this case, the Iranians are behaving quite carefully. Their weapons are accurate. They are trolling the Americans, but they really are not attacking American targets. At the same time, they are declaring that, unlike Americans, they do not give orders to their allies or sympathizers, pro-Iranian forces, or what they call the ‘Axis of Resistance’. They act on their own,” she says.

Alpha News’ interlocutor sees a threat to Armenia from Azerbaijan, and not only in connection with the escalation in Erbil.

“As for the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’. Although Israel has a shortage of weapons and its own problems and surely receives weapons from the United States, it still regularly sends weapons to Azerbaijan, which means that this war, or rather, the initiation of hostilities on the part of Azerbaijan, is beneficial to Israel. Israel counts on it, as I understand it. Whether Ilham Aliyev will agree to this, frankly speaking, is a big question,” Gevorgyan concludes.