It is important to abandon the idea that issues related to Artsakh begin and end with a social component

March 19 2024, 17:31


The civil initiative “We Exist” is closely following the developments and discussions taking place around Artsakh, which have clearly intensified recently.

“We welcome the creation of various platforms, but at the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the risks and challenges that may distract us from the main goal, which is the return of the Artsakh people to Artsakh.

The ‘We Exist’ initiative has made public its principled approaches and position on the current stage of the Artsakh issue, and all of them are inextricably linked to the political component of the conflict. We deem unacceptable any actions that circumvent the individual and collective rights of the citizens of Artsakh and the possibilities of their realization.

Any program, project, or event aimed at solving the social or other needs of the Artsakh people should include, first of all, important guidelines related to the possibility of a safe and dignified return of the Artsakh citizens to their homeland. Our priority is the possibility of returning to our homes, and all kinds of short- and long-term strategic projects should be based on this goal. Anything that contradicts this axis is unacceptable to us, be it financial assistance in the amount of 3, 5, or even 20 million drams.

We do not understand the tactics of the approval by the Armenian authorities of resolutions on solving the domestic and social problems of forcibly displaced Artsakh people or their transfer to the public discussion by provoking discourse, especially when in parallel there is no corresponding political process and cooperation with the state bodies of the Republic of Artsakh. For us, the main subject is government agencies, not individuals with a peculiar attitude towards them. We consider the use of intermediate solutions and experiments unacceptable.

It is important to abandon the idea that issues related to Artsakh begin and end with a social component. Keeping only this social direction on the agenda devalues other important topics, such as the Motherland and our future.

We are committed to the idea of unity. We consider it important to consolidate the full potential of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora in the implementation of all projects, from political to social, to achieve worthy results and realize our main priorities,” the initiative said in a statement.