Gazprom Armenia: Relocation of main gas pipeline passing through Tavush was not discussed

March 27 2024, 19:41


The Armenian government did not discuss with Gazprom Armenia CJSC the issue of relocation of the main gas pipeline passing through Tavush marz, Deputy CEO of Gazprom Armenia, Chief Engineer Artashes Gabrielyan said in response to Pastinfo’s inquiry.

The main gas pipeline from Georgia to Armenia passes through the Voskepar road, which will come under Azerbaijan’s control if the demand for the surrender of four villages is met. Nikol Pashinyan has already announced his position on handing over those villages.

Pastinfo sent a written request to Gazprom Armenia, asking to clarify whether the relocation of the gas pipeline is being discussed, how many kilometers of a new gas pipeline should be built, how long it will take, and how much the construction of a new gas pipeline will cost. Does the company consider it possible to implement such an investment project today, or do they expect financial support from the state?

Deputy General Director Artashes Gabrielyan responded that this issue is not being discussed.

“In response to your written request, we inform you that Gazprom Armenia CJSC did not discuss the issue of relocation of the main gas pipeline in the adjacent areas of the 4 villages,” Gabrielyan added. “If the construction of new main gas pipelines is necessary, the scope of work required for that can be determined based on the results of the initial data collection, and the required amount of money and the duration of the construction can be determined after the design and estimate documentation is prepared.”