Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin call on authorities to abandon defeatist approach

April 09 2024, 16:35


The latest events no longer leave any doubt that the Armenian authorities, yielding to threats from Azerbaijan, are preparing to surrender the territories of the Tavush province to the latter before the proposed demarcation and delimitation, as Artsakh has been left without Armenians and the territories of the Republic of Armenia are occupied, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin says in a statement.

“With this defeatist approach and more painful territorial concessions, the international community actually legitimizes Azerbaijan’s false claims and condemnable ambitions towards the territories of Armenia.

The Church unequivocally welcomes all reasonable efforts and processes aimed at achieving peace. There is no doubt that the Armenian authorities’ policy to create an ‘era of peace’ through unilateral concessions is not only unrealistic but also detrimental. Bidding around the Motherland and making unjustified constant concessions will never be able to provide a safe environment for our people. It is possible to build lasting and sustainable peace only under conditions of full respect for national dignity and rights and on the principle of reciprocity.

We call on the Armenian authorities to abandon the defeatist course of action and not to implement solutions that put the Motherland in front of new security challenges.

We also call on the national, political, and public organizations of Armenia and the Diaspora and all the sons of the nation concerned about the future of the Motherland, including government officials, to unite and protect our national and state interests and contribute to strengthening statehood and building a prosperous and secure future through national unity.

We believe that our people have a strong spirit of devotion to the Motherland, commitment, and willingness to sacrifice their personal for the love of the nation, as well as unwavering zeal for the preservation of national identity. With the help of the Risen Savior and our united efforts, we will be able to eliminate disasters and evil from our lives,” the statement of the Mother See reads.