Franz Klintsevich: There were no other options other than CSTO peacekeeping actions in 2022

April 11 2024, 11:15

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian politician Franz Klintsevich commented on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s words regarding the CSTO’s intention to arrive in Armenia in the fall of 2022 as a peacekeeping mission, not as allies.

“The peacekeeping actions of the CSTO were the only option for the problem back in 2022. Anything else would lead to an escalation of the conflict. Whatever position Russia took, it would be destructive, including in relation to Russia itself. This was the only correct decision. But Pashinyan again acted as a provocateur under the guidance of the Anglo-Saxons. They gave him the task of acting this way.

Everyone understood perfectly well that any other action or position would be extremely unprofitable for Russia, with far-reaching consequences. Moreover, the contradictions that would have developed at that time would have been expanded by the Anglo-Saxons. This would have been no less of a problem than the problem in Ukraine today with a special military operation. We are conducting it as a special military operation, while the Anglo-Saxons are conducting it as a proxy war,” Klintsevich said.

He believes that there is no alternative to peace in the region, and everything must be done to prevent the war from resuming.

“Today Pashinyan needs to think about how his people will remember him, how his own children will remember him, and what he did for Armenia today. There is a difficult process that is taking place today. And there is no alternative to the negotiation process. Today, we must do everything so that there will be no war. Everything else is counterproductive and aimed at the physical destruction of one of the countries. Our former, beloved, reliable Soviet republics,” the politician concluded.