Armenia has every chance of becoming battlefield between global players, says expert

April 11 2024, 13:45


Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Alexander Krylov commented on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s new reproaches against the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

“Now the Armenian leadership itself is negotiating about giving some territories to Azerbaijan. That is, we are not talking about aggression, but about border conflicts, border disputes. If we are talking about aggression, then Article 119 of the Armenian constitution should be put into effect, which provides for the declaration of martial law and mobilization.

None of this was done. That’s why the Collective Security Treaty Organization proposed sending a monitoring mission to areas where the situation was difficult, but the Armenian leadership refused and demanded that the CSTO intervene immediately, and they preferred observers from the European Union. Now, apparently, we should expect that European Union observers will somehow regulate the situation on the Armenian border,” Krylov said.

According to the expert, if Armenia has made its choice in favor of the West, Armenia will be in the general ranks of the front that is now deployed against Russia.

“Armenia’s exit from the CSTO will mean that the Armenian leadership will raise the question of the withdrawal of Russian armed forces from the territory of Armenia in exchange for French or NATO troops. If there are NATO troops, then, apparently, relations with Turkey will improve rapidly. Here we can only guess, but this will lead to a drastic change in relations with Russia, including economic relations,” Krylov noted.

According to the expert, Armenia’s Western partners insist that Armenia cease cooperation with Russia in the nuclear field and that the nuclear power plant on Armenian territory be closed.

“At the same time, Armenia’s Western partners insist that Armenia cease cooperation with Russia in the nuclear field and that the nuclear power plant on Armenian territory be closed. There are also plans to create a transport consortium with Western players, which will regulate transport flows, flows of goods, and flows of people across the territory of Armenia. And thus, the collective West will gain control over transit flows. We can expect this kind of development of events if the historical choice of Armenia is ultimately in favor of democratic states.

They proclaim themselves to be a world democracy that will transform the whole world. So here, we can expect that the restructuring of the world system will be peacefully transferred to more dramatic forms. Here, Armenia has every chance of becoming a battlefield between global players,” Krylov concluded.