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Erdogan is satisfied with the “delimitation”

May 22 2024, 12:20


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed satisfaction with the “positive progress of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia” in a phone call with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Ilham Aliyev.

Turkey is closely monitoring the process, he said. According to him, a just and lasting peace in the region will create a new climate for Azerbaijan, Armenia, as well as other regional countries.
He also noted that the provocations of foreign powers that feed on the instability of the region must be stopped.
“Turkey will do its best to achieve lasting peace,” Erdogan stressed.

If we translate Erdogan’s political language into a more understandable one, we will understand that Turkey and its president are satisfied with the Armenian authorities, who fulfilled yet another demand of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Erdogan’s statements that Turkey will make every effort to achieve lasting peace and that the provocations of foreign powers must be stopped indicate that the process of “delimitation, which looks more like Armenia’s unilateral concessions, will continue, and the Armenian citizens should prepare for new territorial losses in Tavush as well as in Gegharkunik and Syunik.

Echoing Erdogan’s words, NA Speaker Alen Simonyan did not rule out that the “demarcation” according to the 1976 maps will continue along the entire length of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, which means that official Yerevan welcomes the delimitation on the terms of Baku and Ankara.

If we believe the authorities or even their main political partner, Erdogan, for a second, it would be logical to see positive steps taken by Azerbaijan as part of the delimitation process. For example, the next stage of “delimitation” should be held in Jermuk, and Azerbaijani troops should withdraw from positions occupied in September 2022.

After all, propaganda constructs a reality where all the pieces are in place, i.e., the willingness of Armenia and Azerbaijan to delimit borders, the approval of Turkey, and the approval of the entire “civilized world of white masters” from the United States to France. So, what’s the delay? Why has the delimitation process in Jermuk, which suggests the withdrawal of Aliyev’s troops from Armenia, not been started?

Or maybe this process has not been started since no one is actually planning to start it, and the Armenian authorities are purposefully misleading their electorate?

Think about it…