ARF-D Supreme Body: We call on all Armenians to rally around the sacred movement in the name of Armenia

May 27 2024, 16:41


The actions of peaceful civil disobedience that took place in the Republic of Armenia on May 27, 2024, were accompanied by obvious unlawful opposition from police officers, the ARF-D Supreme Body said in a statement.

“Physical and psychological violence was used against many of the nearly 300 detainees, as well as many members of the National Assembly who are elected officials and have immunity. There are injured citizens. More than 60 police officers tried to break into the Simon Vratsyan Center of the ARF-D, provoking and attacking members of the party who forbade illegal entry into the office. Acting like street hooligans and animal herds, dozens of police officers used brutal physical violence against citizens, including the Chair of the Supreme Body of the ARF-D and Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Ashot Simonyan.

The Supreme Body regards this unprecedented lawlessness as another action of an organized criminal group aimed at overthrowing the constitutional order of Armenia. The leader of this criminal group, Nikol Pashinyan, remaining faithful to his anti-national plans to create unrest in the country and organize openly illegal actions against citizens and political parties, turned state institutions and bodies into concrete tools of crime.

Reaffirming our conviction that crimes will not go unpunished, we demand that the Prosecutor General’s Office and investigative bodies immediately initiate criminal proceedings and hold accountable police officers who committed open crimes, like Nikol Pashinyan, who gave them illegal instructions and guaranteed impunity for their crimes.

Otherwise, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the investigative bodies will be considered persons who assist the forces overthrowing the constitutional system and cover up especially serious crimes.

Once again expressing our repeatedly proven conviction that the ARF-D cannot be stopped by such methods, we declare that the fight against the criminal regime leading to the collapse of the state and intending to destroy Armenian statehood will not stop.

We call on all Armenians to rally around the sacred movement in the name of Armenia and the protection of the rights of the Armenian people,” the statement reads.