After Judas Pashinyan, any government is a salvation from the abyss – Rafael Ordukhanyan

June 01 2024, 11:24

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan commented on the growing protests in Yerevan.

“Judas Pashinyan has done his dirty deed, and it seems to me that the irreversible process has kicked off. The fact that people took to the streets is natural. After Judas Pashinyan, any administration, any government, will be, if not a step from the abyss, then at least will stop the movement towards the abyss. Now we see that both Azerbaijan and Turkey are 100% using these protest sentiments within Armenia for their own purposes. For them now, this is just a gift of fate. What else can we expect when Armenia, which lost the war, is now beginning to sort out its internal issues?” Ordukhanyan said․

According to the political scientist, if, after these events, Armenia understands who its friends are and who its enemies are, this will be a salvation from the abyss.

“Even if anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia are strong now, leave it for now; there is no need to focus on Russia if you don’t want to. Building a new state must be a consolidating idea for Armenia. Later, they will figure out where to go and who to contact, but now there is no such consolidating idea inside Armenia. The people are scattered. But only Armenians can decide the fate of their state. There is no need to look either at Europe or at America, or even less so at Turkey or Iran. It is getting so bad that we are already being given advice from Ankara and Baku on what to do. Now, if a leader appears who understands all this, I think it will be possible to correct this situation over time.

Russia is following this process very closely, and, unfortunately, there is not much it can do. I think that the minimum program is that, after these events, Armenia should understand who its true friend is and who its enemy is. This will be a very big step forward.

I cannot imagine the further development of Armenia along the so-called European or American vector. It is an illusion. Turkey, together with Azerbaijan, is a NATO country. The West will not undertake anything that is not in Turkey’s interests. It is clear that the next thing Judas Pashinyan will hand over will be the Syunik corridor. This is the dream of Azerbaijan and Turkey. For a long time now, Pashinyan’s statements have been not only anti-Russian but also Russophobic in nature,” Ordukhanyan emphasized.

“I sincerely hope that after all these protests, everything will be fine and the Armenian people will now make the right choice. For my part, I want to say that Russia will always support, will always be there, no matter what,” Ordukhanyan concluded.