The consequences of the flood will not be eliminated even in a year – Hrachya Papinyan

June 04 2024, 10:43


Speaking with Alpha News, Hrachya Papinyan, the director of the Ankyun+3 TV company, noted with regret that it is too early to talk about the return of people to normal life in the areas affected by the flood since a lot of work remains to be done.

“Returning to normal life is not so easy because, for example, there is no bridge near the Sanahin station. A pedestrian bridge using metal ropes will likely be built by the end of the day today. But this will not allow, for example, heavy columns to be moved so that new power poles can be installed. In addition, the apartments are still very damp, and residents of the first and second floors will likely not be able to return to their homes for another month. At the same time, these people should have household items after they return to their homes because the flow of water and silt ruined everything,” Papinyan said.

He noted that it would take a whole year to complete work in disaster zones.

“It is simply impossible to eliminate the consequences of this disaster very quickly. I believe this is impossible even within one year because bridges and supporting walls of the river must be designed, examinations must be carried out, and only then construction begins. Fortunately, the road from Vanadzor to Bagratashen is now open to cars, passable dirt roads made of pebbles and stones have been built,” Hrachya Papinyan said.

Our interlocutor noted that the village of Kobayr was one of the most affected, but today the gas supply was restored there.

Papinyan also touched upon the damage caused to the railway.

“The railway was opened quickly; specialists from Russia also arrived, and I must especially emphasize that they are working on a large scale, but it is too early to talk about the completion date of the work,” Hrachya Papinyan concluded.