Armenian culture events held in Czech Republic in June

June 19 2024, 19:40


The first half of June in the Czech Republic was rich in various events dedicated to Armenia and Armenian culture, orer. eu reports.

On June 1, an event marking the Day of the First Republic of Armenia and International Children’s Day was held at the Saturday Armenian School in Prague.

The main topic of the event was the preservation of the Armenian language. The performance of the children of the senior group was dedicated to Yeghishe Charents and his poetry. Students in lower grades recited the passages of prominent Armenian figures about the Armenian language and the importance of speaking Armenian.

On June 7, ‘Armenia Day’ was celebrated in the Krtek environmental education center in cooperation between the Armenian Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Krkonoše Mountains National Park.

On June 8, the 7th Festival of Embassies dedicated to national dishes and cultures took place at the central square of Prague 6, with embassies of more than 50 countries, including Armenia, representing their cultures. Like last year, Armenia was represented by the Pomegranate restaurant, which displayed Armenian dishes, drinks, and pastries.

As part of the festival, the students of the ‘Dina Dance’ dance group and their artistic director, Diana Hakobyan, gave a wonderful performance.

The exclusive concert of the Russian-Armenian virtuoso pianist Eva Gevorgyan and the Prague Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of the concertmaster Ludmila Pavlová, took place at Rudolfinum Hall in Prague on June 11.

The musicians performed Mozart’s and Beethoven’s pieces. At the end of the concert, Eva solo performed Khachaturian’s ‘Lullaby’ from the ‘Gayane’ ballet, receiving high praise and enthusiastic applause from the audience.