In exchange for admission, EU will demand a number of conditions from Armenia, expert says 

June 22 2024, 11:05

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Denis Denisov commented on the possibility of Armenia’s European integration and Russia’s reaction to it.

According to the expert, it is necessary to take into account that, in exchange for admission to the EU, the organization will require Armenia to fulfill a number of value-related conditions.

“The process of European integration of Armenia is gradually being implemented—not at an intensive pace, but we know the position of the key figures of the current political elite of Armenia, who have repeatedly stated that the only alternative future for Armenia is integration into Euro-Atlantic and European structures. At the same time, it would be good to focus on the opinion of the Armenian population, which does not consider the decision to integrate Armenia into the structure of the European Union to be completely correct.

We can give an example of similar processes of integration into the European Union, which have been going on for more than 30 years. There is not even progress, there is regression. This does not even depend on the position of the national leaders of the state and the population, but rather on the situation in the European Union.

It should be noted that in exchange for admission to the EU, the organization will require Armenia to fulfill a number of value-related conditions. From experience, we can say that in such processes, administration simply does not consult with the population and does not take it into account. Therefore, the political elite can do this in parallel with protests against such demands.

Naturally, Russia will react to these actions. Depending on the specific steps towards this integration of Armenia into the EU, there will definitely be symmetrical steps on the part of Russia, which will stem from issues of its national interests and national security. To believe that such processes will not affect relationships in any way is naive. Of course, relations at the state level will worsen,” Denisov said.

“At the same time, it is natural that Moscow would like Armenia to fully participate in the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Lately, I have been getting a clear feeling of the duality of Armenian policy, especially the foreign policy. Apparently, the current political elite in Armenia simply cannot do otherwise. So far, we, including Russia, have to put up with this,” Denisov emphasized.

Regarding the fact that Armenia signed a contract with France for the purchase of CAESAR howitzers, the expert noted that this will not help Armenia in any way. “The deal that was recently concluded between Armenia and France will in fact not be able to change the geopolitical situation in the region or seriously influence anything. Amid a very serious cooling of relations between Russia and France, Russia and Armenia, this is a purely symbolic gesture that demonstrates France’s desire to strengthen its position in the region and, in particular, in Armenia and official Yerevan’s intention to continue efforts towards Euro-Atlantic integration,” Denisov said.