West gives nothing but promises, expert says

June 27 2024, 12:00


Speaking with Alpha News, Vice President of the Russian International Affairs Council, retired Lieutenant General Evgeny Buzhinsky commented on the crisis in Armenian-Russian relations.

According to the expert, the West’s assistance to Armenia will not be provided in the same volume as Russia’s assistance.

“I do not understand what Mr. Pashinyan is doing or what he is counting on, taking into account the geographical position of Armenia, the economic and military-political situation. Or he decided that Turkey would now be his best friend. I think he is deeply mistaken. Still, the Turks, despite all their, so to speak, peacefulness, do not forget anything. At the genetic level, I believe their attitude towards Armenians and the Armenian people has not changed much. It is the same with the West. I do not think that assistance will be provided in the same volume as Russia provides.

Starting with energy and ending with all types of products, assess where Armenia has its number one priorities. Of course, in Russia. Georgians, for example, understood this. They also, so to speak, rejected Russia, oriented themselves toward the West, and then realized that economically, the West gives them nothing but promises,” Buzhinsky said.