During the Sacred Movement, it has become obvious how much these authorities are against the Armenian Apostolic Church – Yunona Hagopjanian

July 13 2024, 18:40


Bagrat Srbazan’s prayer, recited in the square, brings purity, doctor and community activist Yunona Hagopjanian told Alpha News.

“In 2018, people’s thoughts were so polluted that they mistook evil for good. Many people still blindly believe it. And with their eyes closed, it is difficult to see what situation we are in now. When Bagrat Srbazan says a prayer in the square, he brings purification to people’s minds, which can cleanse them of filth,” our interlocutor said.

She is convinced that during the Sacred Movement, the authorities demonstrated all their disgust towards the Armenian Church and God.

“Bagrat Srbazan may not have anything to do with the change of power. The Sacred Movement is not political, it is a movement of purification. During this period, it has become even more obvious how much these authorities are against the Armenian Apostolic Church and everything that represents faith. Let me remind you of the incident in Sardarapat, when evil put itself on display—the evil that people had not considered as such until now. This is the value of the Movement.

People followed the velvet revolutionaries with ‘spirit’, but they drove this spirit out of people. Now we must return to our roots and regain this spirit and soul,” Yunona Hagopjanian concluded.