War has not spread throughout Lebanon – Hakob Havatyan

July 30 2024, 13:43


Israel begins to expand its war chain in such a way as to aggravate the situation in the territory of South Lebanon, Hakob Havatyan, citizen of Lebanon, told Alpha News.

“Israel’s chain attack on Gaza has been going on for a long time already. In this general situation, with the efforts of the international press, everyone is witnessing and listening to what kind of inhumane slaughter is taking place on a daily basis. Israel begins to expand its war chain in such a way as to aggravate the situation in the territory of South Lebanon. At the same time, Israel is facing resistance,” Havatyan said.

According to him, the United States and Europe are trying to prevent the war with their mediating efforts.

“This war is unique in the sense that the parties declare the provisions of the war. They are driven by threats, but the war has been confined to the border villages of the southern region for months and is gradually expanding. There is no warlike atmosphere, the war has not spread throughout Lebanon. In this regard, we should say that today the international family, the US and Europe, are constantly trying to prevent the war with their mediating efforts,” he concluded.