Erdogan is clinical case for psychiatrist – Yaakov Kedmi

July 30 2024, 12:51


Speaking with Alpha News, former head of the Israeli Nativ Liaison Bureau Yaakov Kedmi commented on the statement by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan that the republic might enter Israel, as it had done in Karabakh and Libya. He also shared his opinion on whether there will be an Israeli operation against Lebanon and a large-scale war in the Middle East, the possibility of recognizing the Armenian Genocide, as well as Ankara’s increased role in the South Caucasus region.

According to the political scientist, everyone who deals with Erdogan must understand that he is an unstable person capable of inappropriate actions.

“With his statement, Erdogan first of all humiliated and insulted Azerbaijan and Libya. Azerbaijan said that it was Azerbaijani troops that entered Karabakh, not Turkish ones. And then the Turkish sultan appears and says that it was him who did it. Erdogan has always been unstable. But what he said now is a case for a psychiatrist. He is a person with a mental disorder and a distorted perception of reality. He entered Libya, he entered Nagorno-Karabakh, he has the right to enter Israel, well, let him try.

That is, he seriously believes that Turkey still has rights to Libya, the Caucasus, and Palestine. He believes that the Ottoman Empire still exists. It is useless to argue with such a person, it is useless to prove or explain anything to him. Erdogan is a clinical case for a psychiatrist, and everyone who deals with him should take into account that they are dealing with a mentally unstable person who does not understand the situation, perceives it inappropriately, and is capable of inappropriate actions,” Kedmi said.

According to the expert, the fact that Israel has still not recognized the Armenian Genocide is a disgrace for Israel and for the Jewish people.

“It is a disgrace for my country and my people that the Armenian Genocide has not been recognized to this day. I believe that this is an insult to the Armenian people, an insult to our history. The Armenian Genocide should have been recognized by Israel long ago, without any references, without any dependence on what or how Turkey or any other country does. This is completely out of discussion. This is our moral right before ourselves, before our history, and before Armenian history. It is a disgrace for Israel and the Jewish people that we have not recognized the Armenian Genocide to this day,” Kedmi stressed.

Speaking about a possible war in the Middle East, the expert noted that shouting about war and escalating the situation is and will always be in the interests of irresponsible politicians, whose motive is their own political gain.

“A large-scale war in the Middle East is unlikely to happen now for one simple reason: neither side is interested in it. Lebanon does not want a large-scale war, Turkey wants it even less. Iran does not want it either, because at this stage of its development, it needs a war the least, it has just begun to recover, especially with a new government. Israel does not want it because there is no purpose for it.

Even Hamas does not want this, it wants to end this conflict. Today, war is not in the interests of any country. It does not solve any problem in any country, and it is not in the national interests of any country. Shouting about war and escalating the situation is and will always be in the interests of irresponsible politicians who want political gain. Today, no country in the Middle East is interested in war. So there will hardly be any war. There may be exchanges of strikes, mostly because of a sense of national pride. Israel does not want to fight with anyone at all. But if necessary, we can fight with anyone.

We do not want to fight Iran because there is no point in it unless Iran crosses certain lines and takes actions that will threaten our security. If Iran crosses the line and decides to create nuclear weapons, we will fight Iran and we will fight very hard,” Kedmi noted.

Speaking about the upcoming meeting of special representatives of Armenia and Turkey, the expert said that if Armenia wants to fall into the same trap again, it can rely on Turkey.

“Today, everyone is trying to take advantage of Armenia. The French, the Americans, and the British. The Turks have decided that it is their turn now. They have their own long history with Armenia. What happens next depends on what conclusions Armenia draws. If it wants to fall into the same trap again, it can rely on Turkey, on France, on Great Britain, on anyone,” Kedmi concluded.