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Who put Armenia in a situation where “there is no alternative to surrendering the corridor to Turkey and the United States”?

August 01 2024, 12:05

We often have to go back to the 2018 events since a whole range of problems for our country appeared just then. It was in 2018 that various benefits were promised to the people of the country from the “revolutionary platforms”, including an increased level of sovereignty. We will always remind Nikol Pashinyan and his team of this promise. It is worth doing this, taking into account what has been happening to our country for six years now.

The day before, Iran’s spiritual leader, Seyyed Ali Khamenei, stated during a meeting with Nikol Pashinyan that Iran considers the “Zangezur route” to be harmful for Armenia and continues to defend this position. This message was sent not so much to Turkey, Azerbaijan, and the Western beneficiary of the Zangezur corridor as to the Armenian authorities, who, judging by a number of signs, are not so strongly resisting such communication, control over which, to put it mildly, is not guaranteed for Yerevan.

A logical question arises: how can the authorities, who shouted about the importance of increasing Armenia’s sovereignty, agree to surrender the corridor without control over it? Firstly, the issue of surrendering anything after the shameful loss of Artsakh should never be raised again, since the biggest red line was crossed in 2022 and 2023.

Secondly, the “sovereign authorities” of Armenia are doing this since the corridor is in the interests of Ankara and Washington. Moreover, the “game” became so open that just a few hours after Ali Khamenei’s statements, a representative of the US State Department, James O’Brien, responded to him.

The American diplomat said that the United States wants to create a new land route from Central Asian countries through Armenia and Azerbaijan, bypassing Russia and China. “Central Asian countries are incredibly rich, and right now their only option to the global markets is through Russia or China. If we can open up a route that goes through Azerbaijan and Armenia, then they will have access to global markets and much less dependence on Russia and China,” he said.

Pashinyan’s partners have dropped their masks: Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that Turkey entered Karabakh (implying, at least, the events of 2020), and the American diplomat says that it is Washington that needs the notorious corridor through Armenia. This comes as Armenian officials say with a smile on their faces that it was “Russia that came, took Karabakh, and handed it over to Azerbaijan.” Everyone who says that obviously has a very poor opinion of the IQ of their listeners and voters.

Let’s be honest: Armenia found itself in a situation where the issue of the corridor hung over the country like a Sword of Damocles. The propaganda says that “Armenia, Pashinyan, has no alternatives, and the corridor will have to be handed over.” The defeat in the 2020 war is cited as an argument. Or maybe the war was lost and Artsakh was recognized as part of Azerbaijan in 2022 precisely to create an information bubble that would convince everyone that “there is no alternative to the surrender of the corridor.”

The doubt becomes even more justified when we read Nikol Pashinyan’s article from 2001, in which then- “journalist” Pashinyan talked about the economic benefits that await Armenia if “the Meghri corridor is opened to connect the United States and Turkey with the countries of Central Asia”.

Why do you think Pashinyan wrote this in 2001? How do you look at all the events that took place in the country after 2018 after you find out what young and inexperienced Pashinyan was thinking at the very beginning of the 21st century?

Think about it…