Azerbaijan is trying to grab as much as possible from Armenia to build its geopolitical goals – Garnik Davtyan

August 09 2024, 11:40


Azerbaijan’s demands include anti-Armenian and pseudo-historical theses of the “Western Azerbaijan” ideology, expert on Azerbaijani studies Garnik Davtyan told Alpha News.

“The Declaration of Independence itself is the basis, idea, and spirit of the very existence of the third Republic of Armenia, which contains a very important clause on the Independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and its joining Armenia, which, in my opinion, is an important core of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. If we look at all the problems in a comprehensive context, we should understand that Azerbaijan’s demands include the fact of applying anti-Armenian and pseudo-historical theses of the ‘Western Azerbaijan’ ideology to Armenia.

We know that the Constitution protects the church, it also enshrines the role of the Armed Forces in Armenia and many other important provisions that are apparently related to the Declaration of Independence. Azerbaijan’s goal is to break Armenia’s resistance, create conditions so that Armenia would be of no use in the South Caucasus and would become a subordinate territory where only trade deals would be carried out,” Davtyan noted.

According to him, Azerbaijan is trying to settle at least 300,000 Azerbaijanis in Armenia, which will completely change the historical, cultural, political, and economic picture of the Republic of Armenia.

“Azerbaijan is trying to grab as much as possible from Armenia to achieve a situation in which Armenia will neither pose a threat to it nor have the potential to achieve its political, historical and geopolitical goals.

Since 2018, Azerbaijan has been pursuing a hidden policy, and now it is attempting to settle at least 300,000 Azerbaijanis in Armenia, which will completely change the historical, cultural, political, and economic picture of the Republic of Armenia. The term ‘Western Azerbaijan’ implies the settlement of Azerbaijanis in various regions of Armenia, especially in Tavush, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik.

They are already distributing maps in which the areas where Azerbaijanis are supposed to live are marked with colored dots. If you look at the map, you can understand that their goal is to absorb the North, South, and Eastern regions of Armenia through civilian intervention,” Davtyan concluded.