‘There are grounds for this information’: political scientist on media reports about Israel’s demand for its military personnel to leave Azerbaijan

August 13 2024, 10:00

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist and expert at the Strategic Culture Foundation Andrey Areshev commented on the media reports regarding Israel’s demand for its military personnel to leave the territory of Azerbaijan amid the threat of Iran’s strike.

According to the expert, such information looks plausible amid longstanding military-technical cooperation between the countries.

“It looks like unconfirmed information, but it is not excluded that there are certainly some grounds for this because information about the presence of covert Israeli armed formations and various kinds of special services in Azerbaijan has been repeatedly published. Naturally, Israelis do not comment on such things, but military-technical ties between Israel and Azerbaijan are no secret. They have been developing for the last 15 years at least, if not more. So amid the growing tension in the Middle East and the gradual involvement of the South Caucasus states in the Middle East military-political agenda, the main nerve of which is the alleged military clash between Israel and Iran, this kind of information is quite expected,” the political scientist said.