Artsakh indicated on 9th century map in National Museum of Tatarstan

August 28 2024, 18:00


Artsakh is indicated on the map of the Khazar Khaganate of the 9th century. The National Museum of Tatarstan in Kazan keeps the memory of the provinces of Great Armenia. The museum keeps a unique map of the Middle Ages, on which Artsakh, Parisos (province of Utik), and Tashir are indicated.

Khazar Khaganate was an early feudal state that existed from the middle of the 7th century to the 10th century on the territory of the North Caucasus and in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don. The Khaganate was an alliance of Turkic-speaking, Ugro-speaking, and Iranian-speaking peoples who predominantly practiced Judaism. The capital of Khazaria was first the city of Samandar (on the territory of present-day Daghestan) and then Itil, located at the mouth of the Volga.