It is impossible to solve complex issues without Russia – Andrey Klimov on Putin-Aliyev talks

August 29 2024, 11:40

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, commented on the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, in which the parties discussed the situation in the South Caucasus and the preparation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty.

“This phone conversation shows that Russia is still important as the mediator in resolving very complex issues in the post-Soviet area. No matter what anyone does or thinks, in the end it is practically impossible to solve such serious and, unfortunately, rather long-term problems without Russia. This is what this phone conversation is about. The fact that this dialogue is going on quite intensively simply shows the relevance of the Russian side. And that’s a relief, because from my personal point of view, any country in the post-Soviet area has no more reliable friend than Russia. I mean not the government, but the real people who live there are simply bound to eventually have good relations with us and with our help to solve issues that are difficult to solve otherwise. This is what they will come to anyway. In the Caucasus, look how long this problem has been between Yerevan and Baku, and yet its resolution in the end is realized through Moscow’s mediation,” Klimov said.