This is interference in sovereignty of another state – Alexander Tolmachev on Azerbaijan’s statement about restrictions on Armenia’s armed forces

September 04 2024, 10:56

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, lawyer Alexander Tolmachev commented on the statement of Azerbaijani presidential aide Hikmet Hajiyev that the international community should apply restrictions on the development of Armenia’s armed forces.

“When some side tries to appeal to the international communities against the other side, in particular, Azerbaijan against Armenia, and says that it is necessary to limit the number of weapons and the number of armed forces, it is clear that this is called interference in the sovereignty of another state. When, for example, they try to compare it to the Japanese army, saying that they have no army, because according to the results of World War II, they are limited to self-defense, just like in Germany, here we should not confuse, because there the international coalition of allies was the winner, so they dictated the terms of the peace treaty with Japan,” Tolmachev said.

“We are talking about the fact that if Azerbaijan is scared, afraid of something, it has every right, as a sovereign state, to develop its armed forces, to mobilize, and so on. Armenia can do the same. If Armenia were an aggressor country, which was defeated, forced to peace, and forced to spell it out in the peace treaty, then it could be spelled out. However, today, any attempts to say that Armenia should reduce its armed forces have nothing to do with Armenia. Armenian laws allow it to have such an army today and another army tomorrow. It all depends on the parliament, on the desire of the Armenian authorities and the ability of the budget to support this or that army,” Tolmachev concluded.