Karine Hovhannisyan from Javakhk conquers Mount Ararat

September 04 2024, 15:37


19-year-old Karine Hovhannisyan, a resident of Javakhk, has overcome the 5,137-meter distance to conquer the summit of Mount Ararat, reports jnews. ge.

Karine took a piece of paper that read “From Javakhk to Ararat” to the top of the biblical mountain. According to her, the idea of climbing Ararat appeared back in August 2023 but became a reality in August 2024.

“The most wonderful emotions both on the summit and during the ascent, you try to feel every moment. I felt the support of kind people, and I had the will to overcome my fears and thoughts,” Karine said, noting that few people knew about her plans to climb Ararat. Even her parents did not know about it.