3+3 format participants are interested in peace in Greater Caucasus, expert says

March 28 2024, 11:25

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Vladimir Shapovalov, Associate Professor of the Department of Comparative Politics at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), commented on the statement of the Iranian Ambassador to Russia that a new meeting in the 3+3 format may take place this year.

“First of all, we need to emphasize that the 3+3 format is natural in terms of the interests of all countries in the region, as it includes representatives of all six countries that are in one way or another connected with the Greater Caucasus region. These are the three Transcaucasian republics, such as Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, as well as the three states—Russia, Turkey, and Iran—that have proximity to the Transcaucasus, are historically linked to this land, and are involved in political, economic, cultural, and humanitarian contacts and interactions with the people of the three Caucasian republics. It goes without saying that the conflict situations and contradictions in the relations of those countries need to be solved between the six nations of the Caucasus, the six states of the Caucasus,” Shapovalov said.

According to the expert, the 3+3 format is of critical importance because each of these countries is interested in peace in the Greater Caucasus.

“The format that has been worked out and within which Armenian-Azerbaijani relations are considered in the context of interaction with such countries as Russia, Iran, and Turkey is of critical importance because each of these countries has its own interests in the region, each of these countries has its own reasons for wishing to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict as soon as possible, and each of these countries is interested in peace in the Greater Caucasus. External players, such as Western countries, are thousands of kilometers away from the Greater Caucasus region, have nothing to do with the people of the Caucasus, and are not interested in peace in the region. Moreover, they seek to stir up contradictions and catch fish in troubled waters. Such destructive actions by Western countries are potentially harmful not only to the countries of the Caucasus but also to other countries, including Russia. So, in this regard, the statement by the Iranian official is absolutely justified, and I believe that Russia shares the same position,” Shapovalov concluded.