Adam Schiff and 47 Congressmen urge US to protect Armenian heritage in Artsakh from Baku’s atrocities

June 26 2024, 17:07


In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) and a bipartisan group of forty-seven of his House colleagues urged the United States to prioritize the protection of at-risk Armenian heritage sites in Artsakh during all future diplomatic engagements with Azerbaijani officials, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reported.

“There is no clearer proof of Azerbaijan’s genocidal intent than its systematic effort to erase every last trace of Armenian civilization across Artsakh – just like successive Turkish governments did in the wake of the Armenian Genocide. We applaud Representative Schiff’s leadership in ensuring the protection of Armenian cultural heritage and value his continued efforts to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its crimes against humanity,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.

“With the Azerbaijan military offensive against Artsakh in September 2023, there is already evidence Azerbaijan is continuing its strategy of erasing Armenian culture within and around this region as well,” Rep. Schiff and his colleagues wrote.