Adrin Nazarian: We ask the Armenian community to vote for us so that we can achieve all our goals

January 26 2024, 12:50


Since I became a member of the California Senate, the situation in the state has improved significantly over the past 10 years, Candidate for LA City Council Adrin Nazarian told Alpha News. He added that in 2012, when he voted for the first budget, it was $155 billion, and the last budget he voted for in 2022 was $300 billion.

“When a state benefits so much financially, it makes it possible to launch various programs. I always wanted to open a TUMO Center in Los Angeles, and in two years we were able to allocate $23 million for this. We are pleased to announce that we have already purchased the building and will announce all the details soon. So, we ask the Armenian community to help us, vote for us so that we can achieve all our goals, and then they will not regret choosing us,” Nazarian noted.

He also noted that the Armenian community is not a majority in California.

“We are a small community in California, but the country has great opportunities. We live in a country with the fifth-largest economy in the world. And when you live in such a country, why not develop and strengthen the Armenian community? Dozens of nationalities live in California. We must find ways to work with all of them to move forward,” Nazarian concluded.