Alexey Martynov: Neither Pashinyan nor many of his associates have a political future

September 07 2023, 22:45

Opinion | Politics

In a live broadcast of Alpha News, Russian political expert Alexey Martynov stressed that neither Pashinyan nor many of his associates have a political future, and Russia will remain the guarantor of future security as it has always been.

“There is no crisis between Russia and Armenia. It cannot exist in principle if we are talking about long-lasting relations between Russia and Armenia, the Armenian and Russian peoples. There are more Armenians living in Russia than in Armenia itself. It is a well-known fact. And I want to tell you that Russian Armenians are great patriots of Russia, and by the way, other peoples living in Russia should also learn from them.

As for today’s Armenia, yes, indeed, there is a certain part of the elite there that shares Pashinyan’s policy, that is, believes that everything should be sold and as expensive as possible. And then some of them will move to the US in the future, others to Europe, or somewhere else. That is, these people clearly do not associate their future with Armenia as such. Another thing is that this desire to constantly raise the stakes in this game and trade as well as their appeals to different interested parties often lead to fatal consequences.

Therefore, I assume that neither Pashinyan nor many of his associates have a political future, and Russia will remain the guarantor of future security for all the peoples and countries of the Transcaucasus, as it has always been. I would not like to single out Armenia separately here, this applies equally to Georgia and Azerbaijan,” Martynov said.